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Kōwhai News

We have been lucky to have a masters student from Otago University Alicia Thompson working with the class for the past 5 weeks of the term.  Alicia has one more week with us and then will return to Wednesday visits.  We have got to do lots of fun learning.  One of the children's highlights with her was exploring the technological process in making pizzas.  We got to taste test 3 different pizzas, identify what we liked about the pizza and then plan and create our very own pizzas.  We then reflected on what we liked about our pizza and what we would change.  We had some interesting new pizza flavours created- blueberry and hot sauce and one with strawberry sauce were some new flavours!!

We also loved our adventure on Tuesday to Glenfalloch. We enjoyed exploring new trails and visiting one of the very tall trees at Glenfalloch. 

Nau mai, haere mai

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