Kōwhai News April
The children from Kōwhai have been having lots of fun with their learning in Term 1. We all wanted to share with you some of our favourite things we do at school.
Mae is enjoying learning how to read at school. She likes reading the stories about Pip, Tim, Sam and Tip.
Rory loves playing with his friends at lunchtime. He likes to play tag with his friends.
Harriet likes her literacy time learning, reading lots of different books and writing about them.
Toby likes playing and he sometimes likes to play cricket at lunchtime.
Julia loves swimming. She enjoyed her swimming lessons with Chris from JC Swim School and is able to kick when swimming.
Izzy likes using seesaw on the i-pad to share her learning with her family.
Zephy likes learning how to read and write all by herself.
Zara likes coming to the teaching table during literacy time.
Cora likes doing Maths. She loves everything about Maths!
Ethan likes learning how to write letters nice and neatly. He is very proud of his work.
Mia liked going on our trip to Orokonui and being in nature.
Jonas loves making his writing neat like a teacher.

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